Persian Longhair Cat
Persian has the characteristics of a round face and short muzzle. This cat comes from the highlands of Iran. Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, it was first developed by the Home, and then mainly by American Breeders after the Second World War. In Britain, it is Called the Longhair or Persian Longhair.
Persian cats have a cobby body and a strong, long Persian coat and dense. Persian eyes large and very expressive, low and rounded ears, nose height and create the effect of face "smushy". Cat's head is round and has a short snout.
Although the Persians have a high price and need maintenance treatments every day, this is more than offset by the personality, but her hair can be a nightmare to maintain, sometimes growing to 3 inches long!. The nature of the Persian cat is calm and understated, so is suitable for toy and carried it everywhere. Cats are the most popular type in the United States for many years but its popularity has seen a decrease in the UK and France.
persian cat origin
In general, it is not clear when the long-haired cats first appeared, because there are no African Wildcats, in the 19th century that the genes responsible for long hair was introduced through hybridization with Pallas cat, but research in the early 20th century has denied this theory. The first documented ancestors of the Persians imported from Khorasan, Persian into Italy in 1620 by Pietro della Valle, and from Angora (now Ankara), Turkey into France by Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc at around the same time. Khorasan coated gray cat, while the white Angora. From France, they soon reached Britain. Long-haired cats are also imported to Europe from Afghanistan, Burma, China and Russia. Mating of various types of common especially between Angoras and Persians.
The latest genetic research indicates that the current Persian-related cats from the Near East is not but for cats from Western Europe. The researchers stated that "Despite the early Persian cats may actually come from ancient Persian, modern Persian cat has lost its signature phylogeographical
- Picture of Appearance Persian Cat

Persian Gold Color
pet animal

Beautiful Persian Longhair Cat Color

Persian White Color
- Some of which include the type of Persian cat

Appearance Himalayan Pesrsian

Exotic Shorthair Persian Cat

Little Exotic Shorthair Persian Cat
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