Black Widow
The Black Widow spiders are members of the genus Latrodectus. Their bites are painful and can cause muscle aches, vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. Because of this, the Black Widow has gained a bad reputation. Actually it is the female Black Widow spider that earned Black Widows the bad rep—its venom glands are very large (compared to the male, whose bite is negligible), plus they eat the male after mating. If you are bitten by a spider like the ones in this picture you should quickly go to the nearest doctor for help. The Black Widow is not an aggressive animal, as these spiders do not bite if they are not threatened, pressed or pinched. As shown in the pictures here, the Black Widow has a shiny black body color and a red marking in the underside of the belly, which makes the little red spider easily recognized.
Black Widows are found in all continents except Antarctica.

Black Widows are found in all continents except Antarctica.

Black Widow Picture

Black Widow Spider Web
arachnida animal

Black Widow
animal wallpaper
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