Border Collie Dogs
Border Collie: Geniuses of the dog world
Originating from Scotland, Border Collies were bred for herding cattle—the cattle-killing instinct of the wolf having been bred out of them, keeping only the urge to keep sheep or cattle in a group (herding instinct).
According to Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, Border Collies are at the top of dog intelligence.
This intelligent tendency has been featured in the movie Babe (1995).
The Border Collie’s intelligence, boundless energy and irresistible urge to keep a herd of small animals (and children) together, make Border Collies unsuitable as pets for families with small children, small dogs, and cats—the temperament of Border Collies and small animals collide.
Border Collies will develop neurotic habits when put in a place where they cannot run around freely or where they get easily bored. Border Collies are not for couch potatoes.
When paired with the right owner, Border Collies aim to please, but keep their distance from strangers—a trait which makes them good shepherd dogs.
The Border Collie’s natural intelligence, remarkable intuition, and strong urge to track and bring stragglers back to the fold make the Border Collie a suitable dog for Search and Rescue (SAR) operations.
These dogs are typically known as black over white, leaving the white on the collar, chest, parts of the head where the black parts don’t meet, paws, and the tip of the tail. Border Collies can also be red over white, black & red on white (tricolor), merle (blue and red), black & tan, brindle, and black.
Border Collie: Geniuses of the dog world Originating from Scotland, Border Collies were bred for herding cattle—the cattle-killing instinct of the wolf having been bred out of them, keeping only the urge to keep sheep or cattle in a group (herding instinct). According to Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, Border Collies are at the top of dog intelligence. This intelligent tendency has been featured in the movie Babe (1995). The Border Collie’s intelligence, boundless energy and irresistible urge to keep a herd of small animals (and children) together, make Border Collies unsuitable as pets for families with small children, small dogs, and cats—the temperament of Border Collies and small animals collide. Border Collies will develop neurotic habits when put in a place where they cannot run around freely or where they get easily bored. Border Collies are not for couch potatoes. When paired with the right owner, Border Collies aim to please, but keep their distance from strangers—a trait which makes them good shepherd dogs. The Border Collie’s natural intelligence, remarkable intuition, and strong urge to track and bring stragglers back to the fold make the Border Collie a suitable dog for Search and Rescue (SAR) operations. These dogs are typically known as black over white, leaving the white on the collar, chest, parts of the head where the black parts don’t meet, paws, and the tip of the tail. Border Collies can also be red over white, black & red on white (tricolor), merle (blue and red), black & tan, brindle, and black.

Appearance Border Collie Dogs

Border Collie Puppies Photo.
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