Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

To walk or not to walk

This chameleon may be hesitant in walking, but can be a great cha-cha dance partner. Yeah? Well, you could introduce this guy to your grandma. ...
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Taiwanese student attacked by netizens for putting pet cat inside a plastic jar

A Taiwanese student was questioned for her actions, in putting her pet cat inside a plastic jar as a punishment for its bad behavior. But, her behavior angered netizens with outrageous comments for her to be punished instead.  Read the full story here...
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What does the fox say?

What does the fox say? You have to watch this video, he's more than happy to tell you. :) Enjoy! ...
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For auld lang syne

Though he's drunk, he just wants to sing you a happy, great, new year! Oh come on, gather your family and friends and sing with him. by Catharssis ...
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The sweet animal pictures of 2013

These are the aaaah (heart) moments of 2013. But don't be sad, let's see what 2014 has got to offer. :)   You may check the video here. Don't forget to share your pet or animals pictures this 2014. It would be great to have them as part of our upcoming year. Chee...
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Python kills Security Guard in Bali

Bali Indonesia A four-meter (thirteen-foot) python killed Ambar Arianto Mulyo, a security guard at the Bali Hyatt (a luxurious hotel in Indonesia) last Thursday, December 26. The hotel was closed for renovation when Mulyo, the 59-year old security guard caught the snake on the hotel grounds. However, the snake was too strong for...
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Wow! Check out what this cat got for Christmas!

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Emu Steals the Scene

Watch an emu's reaction as one sees free food! If the person in the car were you, what would you do? Video not working? Watch it here. Hey come on! It's not stealing, 'tis the holiday season. Chee...
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King Julien...and friends

On King Julien...devising a plan. photo by: xMaritjee of deviantart - ...
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The Top Doggy Accessories of the Season – The Whistle

With the holiday shopping season now on full swing, pet owners from different walks of life are no longer strangers to the myriad of pet accessories, toys and goodies made available in department store and pet-specialty venues. To those who seem to be lost in the range of doggy accessories this holiday season, here’s a quick look at the...
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Friday, December 27, 2013

On Pets As Presents – On Pet Personalities

Like human beings, pets are liable to develop their own personalities, a trait that is generally driven by the disposition of genetics, along with the involvement of how they are reared around the company of people. In cases when pets are being given as Christmas gifts, inconsiderate gift givers are liable to neglect this fact,...
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

On Pets As Presents – On Lifespans and Such

When talking about pets as presents, gift givers generally tend to make the mistake of ignoring the level of commitment one has to immerse himself/herself in in their overall care, apart from other important considerations that should be given their due focus and emphasis. The lifespan of a particular animal is one often ignored “pet...
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

On Pets As Presents – On Pet-Person Compatibility

Apart from considering a given pet’s lifespan, veterinary care requirements and general personalities, many fail to think about how compatible pets can be with people when talking about the act of gifting pets during the holidays. Considering that pet owners would be spending a lot of time with their pets, this consideration should...
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

On Pets as Presents

While there’s really nothing wrong in opting to give a friend or loved one a pet as a present for Christmas, the decision of doing so shouldn't be born from a whim – or worse, inspired by something trendy or popular like a movie featuring a certain animal in a leading role. As countless pet owners from all over the world would attest,...
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Have you a Namaqua Rain Frog?

American Frogs: Ribbit! Ribbit! Korean Frogs: Gegeol Gegeol! Philippine Frogs: Kokak Kokak! Namaqua Rain Frogs: can't use onomatopoeia, better check and imitate it yourself. ...
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Save Cute Mammals by having Control on Global Warming

Global warming and change in climatic conditions have been an issue from past many years across the globe. Humans are always held responsible for the cause of global warming and thus causing change in climatic conditions. Global warming is basically caused by an increase in level of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful gases...
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Monster Snakes Threaten Ecosystem and Humans in Florida

Most people know that Florida has a history of invasive reptile species. Until recently, researchers have noticed that monster snakes, that are larger and more aggressive than the Burmese python, are threatening the ecosystem and possibly humans in Florida. The potentially dangerous snake is known as the African Rock python. Florida scientists...
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Friday, December 20, 2013

The Mastermind of Stealing

If you've seen Sam, the wanted Seagull, could this video be a link to Sam's treacherous intent?  Could this cold bloodied creature be the mastermind of Sam's crimes as evidenced by its bulging head marked as a highly intelligent invertebrate?  Could this be the reason why it's called Ocean's Eleven because the mastermind...
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Extinct Frog not yet Extinct

In 1996, the first amphibian to be declared extinct by a conservation group, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), was the Hula Frog (Latonia nigriventer).  The decision was guided by the best available scientific data at the time: Nobody had seen any sign of the creature since its sole known habitat, the...
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wanted: Sam the Seagull

WANTED Sam the seagull from Aberdeen Scotland is wanted for shoplifting. If you see this gull, better close your windows and hide your cheesy chips. ...
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Best Holiday Gifts for Dogs – Personalized Collars

Personalized collars are great items to opt for as gift items for dogs, one that’s sure to set them apart from every other dog in the neighborhood. With more and more manufacturers extending their service roster to cover the creation of personalized dog collars, there’s no reason why you can’t get your dog his/her own this year. Personalized...
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Monday, December 16, 2013

The Best Holiday Gifts for Dogs – Plush Toys

As a holiday gift for one’s dog, a plush toy (or plushie toy) can be described as “uninspired”, considering how common they are. But given the fact that dogs are easily drawn to plush toys, they have consistently stood out as one of the top doggy gift items, year in and year out – even with its “uninspired” labeling. Plush Toys From...
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

How the Cavefish Lost Its Eyes

Pictured above is a very peculiar fish that lives in a few North American caves. It looks very much like other fish, except in one respect: it has no eyes. The story of its adaptation to life in pitch blackness is one of the weirdest stories in evolutionary history. Source: H...
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Country’s First New Species of Fish Discovered

The science community welcomed a new species of fish today, called Evoita santanai. The striking, pinkish-mauve-and-white animal, a type of dwarf goby, was found off Timor-Leste (map), and is the first new species of fish found in the country, according to Conservation International (CI), the group that made the discovery. The new fish...
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Pigeon Envy

Imagine you are plucked out of your New York City apartment rooftop by a giant hand in the heavens and placed in a dark box. Suddenly the box opens 1,200 miles away on a random side street in Omaha Nebraska. Now walk home. And do it fast. Don’t think that’s possible? I got some city pigeon friends that can serve it up….. right in yo’ FREAKIN’...
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Pacific Leaping Blenny: Study Sheds More Light on Life of Legless, Land-Dwelling Fish

The Pacific leaping blenny is a 4 to 8-cm-long tropical fish found in reefs in Samoa and the Marianas, Society, and Cook Islands, in the western and southern Pacific Ocean. It remains on land all its adult life but has to stay moist to be able to breathe through its gills and skin. Pacific leaping blennies move quickly over complex rocky...
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New Species of Rhinoceros Beetle Found in Bolivia

The new species belongs to the very rare beetle genus Oryctophileurus. “Like the other species of the genus, the new species might be rare or has a cryptic way of life,” wrote Dr Robert Perger from the Colección Boliviana de Fauna and Dr Paschoal Grossi from the Universidade Federal do Paraná, co-authors of the paper published in the...
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Scientists Discover Unique Voice Organ in Koalas

An international team of biologists led by Dr Benjamin D. Charlton from the University of Sussex has discovered that koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) possess a unique sound-producing organ that has never before been seen in any other land-dwelling mammal. During the breeding season, male koalas produce low-pitched mating calls that are characterized...
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American Alligators, Mugger Crocodiles Use Lures to Hunt Their Prey

US researchers led by Dr Vladimir Dinets from the University of Tennessee have found that two croc species – mugger crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris) and American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) – use twigs and sticks to lure birds, particularly during nest-building time. Their study, published in the journal Ethology, Ecology and...
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Spectacular New Species of Beetle Found in French Guiana

The beetle, scientifically named Guyanemorpha spectabilis, belongs to the Pseudomorphini tribe, famous for the co-existence of its representatives with various ant species. Guyanemorpha spectabilis, commonly named the Spectacular Guyane False-form beetle, stands out among its dull relatives in the Western Hemisphere, with its great size...
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Madagascar’s Ring-Tailed Lemurs Regularly Sleep in Caves, Biologists Say

A new study published in the journal Madagascar Conservation and Development has shown the ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are the world’s only primates that sleep in the same caves on a nightly basis. Ring-tailed lemurs are found only in Madagascar. They are easily identified by their characteristic, black and white ringed tails, which...
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Coendou baturitensis: New Porcupine Discovered in Brazil

The Coendou porcupines, also known as prehensile-tailed porcupines or coendous, are nocturnal, herbivorous, solitary rodents native to Central and South America. Prehensile-tailed porcupines measure 0.7 – 1 m long including the tail and weigh about 3 – 5 kg. They feed on bark, leaves and buds as well as fruit and root vegetables. Source:...
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Iran claims it has fired second monkey into outer space and safely returned him to Earth

Iran has sent a second live monkey into space and safely returned him to Earth, the country's state-run news agency reports. Fargam the space monkey rode a Pajonesh rocket 75 miles up into space before his capsule safely detached and parachuted back to the ground, Iranian state TV said.The report, which showed the rocket blasting off and...
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Florida Panther Seen Roaming Urbanized Part Of SW Fla.

NAPLES, Fla. (CBSMiami/AP) —  Wildlife biologists are trying to capture a Florida Panther seen roaming around an urbanized part of Golden Gate Estates in southwest Florida. The Naples Daily News reports that residents in one neighborhood have been reporting panther sightings for the past month. Source: H...
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Comb Jelly Reveals New Secrets of Animal Evolution

For more than a century, scientists believed that complex cell types, such as neurons and muscles, evolved only once. The simple animals that lack these cell types branched off from the rest of the animals on the evolutionary tree. Now, though, a comb jelly has challenged this belief and has shown that these complex cells were gained and...
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Lizard Has One-Way Breathing; Hints at How Dinosaurs Breathed?

That’s surprising, because the unidirectional airflow of birds was thought to have evolved due to the high-oxygen demands of flight: Instead of being partially filled with stale, depleted air like human lungs, avian lungs contain air with a much higher average oxygen content and are much more efficient at getting oxygen to the blood. So...
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Grizzly bear comeback? Feds move to delist as a 'threatened' species

Grizzly bears have become so numerous in and around Yellowstone National Park that state and federal wildlife managers have recommended that the animals no longer be classified as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. If the US Fish and Wildlife Service accepts the recommendation, the great bears could once again be hunted as game...
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Grab Your Binoculars! Audubon's Christmas Bird Count Begins This Weekend

This winter, tens of thousands of birdwatchers across North America will bundle up and brave the elements, all in the name of science. The National Audubon Society's 114th annual Christmas Bird Count begins Saturday (Dec. 14). Volunteer citizen scientists in all 50 U.S. states, all Canadian provinces, and parts of Mexico, Latin America,...
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