Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Thursday, March 30, 2017

8 Animals Who Can’t Even Begin To Comprehend Relative Velocity

Sure, maybe most of us humans don’t understand relative velocity, and that’s fine, but these creatures of the animal kingdom don’t even have the capacity to understand any scientific concept at all. Pathetic. 1. This rhino Here’s an African rhino who knows nothing of the complex relationship between mathematics and theoretical physics....
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7 Animals You'll Be Glad Are Extinct

7: The Dire Wolf During the Pleistocene, the dire wolf also known as Canis dirus inhabited different areas around North and South America. Although the average dire wolf was similar in size to the larger specimens of present day’s grey wolf, its vicious bite was the strongest of any Canis species to date. Their teeth were also larger and...
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

6 Animals of War

Elephants Hannibal famously used elephant cavalry during his invasion of Italy during the Second Punic War, taking dozens of the animals with him as he transited the Alps. As terrifying as the ancient armored vehicles were, the Romans soon adopted responses to them (simply stepping aside and allowing them to pass through the massed Roman...
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Small Pet - Guinea Pig

As small pets go, guinea pigs -- also known as cavies -- are virtual giants. In fact, each of the 13 guinea pig breeds recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association can weigh up to 3 pounds or 1,360 grams (that's a lot compared to a parakeet). They come in several colors and patterns, and can have short or long hair. Life Span:...
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Monday, March 27, 2017

6 Furry Moths You Could Easily Take for a Pet

Acraga Coa Moths ("Jewel Moths") Commonly misreferred to as Jewel moths, these exemplars have nothing to do with the true jewel moths (Eriocraniidae) that actually have gold on their wings. Rather, the Acraga Coa's caterpillar, popularly known as the Jewel caterpillar has caused this misconception. Acraga Coa are from the Dalceridae...
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Sunday, March 26, 2017

5 Animals with Incredible Healing Powers

All animals are equipped to take care of themselves in nature, with natural defenses to ensure their survival. Now more than ever, scientists are researching different varieties of animals to see how we humans can learn from their different health mechanisms. While the topic is vast, we have highlighted five creatures which, through scientific...
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Friday, March 24, 2017

Up all night: 7 animals that hardly ever sleep

If you are a regular homo sapien you will spend a third of your life tucked up in bed, sound asleep. If you live to the respectable age of 75, then you would have successfully slept through a whopping quarter of a century. Sleep is a state of inactivity when we become less responsive to stimuli. The Oxford dictionary defines it as ‘a condition...
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Thursday, March 23, 2017

7 animals you can only find in Russia

Russia contains numerous rare and unusual critters, endemic animals whose natural habitat is limited to areas within the country's interior. To see them, you might need to embark on a journey to some of Russia’s more remote regions. However, you will be rewarded not only with the beauty of forests and lakes, but perhaps also with the opportunity...
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

5 animals that are almost immortal (and one that actually is)

The typical lifecycle of animals is familiar to us all. We’re born, we reach sexual maturity, we grow old and—eventually—we die. Old age, or ‘senescence’, is the gradual accumulation of cellular degradation and happens to all humans. The older we get, the more likely we are to die.Yet there are some animals for whom this does not apply;...
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