Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

7 Islands where Animals Rule

In some places in the world, a certain species of animal seem to rule over humans. From horses to cats and even rabbits, below are 7 places where it seems like there are more animals than humans. Monkeys - Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico Imagine the movie Planet of the apes instead the settling is in an island used as a research...
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Scientists describe newly discovered dinosaur as 'one of the weirdest', 'pretty goofy'

WASHINGTON –  Nearly 50 years ago, scientists found bones of two large, powerful dinosaur arms in Mongolia and figured they had discovered a fearsome critter with killer claws.Now scientists have found the rest of the dinosaur and have new descriptions for it: goofy and weird. The beast probably lumbered along on two legs like a cross...
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River Monster: Face to face with a 20-foot, Monster Anaconda

When Jeremy Wade dives to murky depths hunting a slithery predator, he immediately realizes HE could instantly become the hunted. See him come face-to-face with a massive, terrifying anacond...
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Sea otter teeth more than twice as tough as ours

Sea otters, which often dine on clams, crabs, and other shelled creatures, have unusually chip-resistant teeth, a new study suggests. Lab tests show that the enamel coating the teeth of sea otters (Enhydra lutris, shown) is up to two-and-a-half times tougher than human tooth enamel, thanks largely to the enamel’s microstructure. In all...
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Flying Drone Captures Groundbreaking Killer Whale Video Footage in British Columbia

Researchers from Vancouver Aquarium and Canada's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Fisheries department have used flying drones to capture incredibly rare footage of killer whales in the first known use of this technology for whale marine conservation research. Marine biologists studying killer whales (also known...
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Puppy-Sized Spider Surprises Scientist in Rainforest

Piotr Naskrecki- an Entomologist and photographer at Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology caught a new Puppy-Sized Spider. This spider is also known as the South American Goliath bird-eater, having scientific name, “Theraphosa blondi”. The specimen was taken to the lab afterwards. It was also found that it’s a female. After...
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chimpanzees have favourite ‘tool set’ for hunting staple food of army ants

New research shows that chimpanzees search for the right tools from a key plant species when preparing to ‘ant dip’ - a crafty technique enabling them to feast on army ants without getting bitten. The study shows that army ants are not a poor substitute for preferred foods, but a staple part of chimpanzee diets. West African chimpanzees...
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top 10 Biggest Cats on the Planet

Although you’d never usually see these cats lying around a couch at home or chasing a laser pointer around, these massive wild cats are natural predators that top the food chain wherever they are seen. Here are the top ten big wild cats and information about these majestic felines. 10. Caracal They’re also called the desert lynx. These...
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

5 Adorable Animals that can Actually Hurt You

Seeing animals in their natural habitat is an exciting experience for us humans. We think that they’re so adorable and peaceful as they go on their ways in the wild. However, no matter how adorable and cute these animals look, they may pose a threat to you. Here are 5 adorable animals that can actually do a lot of damage on you if it does...
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Monday, October 13, 2014

Hermaphrodite snail named after marriage equality

Biologists christened the species Aegista diversifamilia, referring to a diversity of family types, because it "represents the diversity of sex orientation in the animal kingdom".The snail is widespread throughout eastern Taiwan, but was previously mistaken for a closely related species. A new species of hermaphrodite land snail found in...
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Bill Peterson Comes on Board as New Manager of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Bill Peterson is the new manager of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. It's not been even a month since he has come on board for the post that was vacant for over a year.Peterson has lately moved to Massachusetts from Memphis, Tenn. There, he was manager of Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas. Currently, Peterson and his...
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Intrusion of Quagga Mussel species can dismantle Britain’s Economy and Ecology

An alien species of mussels has been discovered in a reservoir in London that can pose severe threat to Britain’s economy and ecology. These species are anticipated to wreak catastrophe in UK, by escalating the water bills by a large amount and disturbing the native biological diversity. On October 1, the Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis...
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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Entomologists Discover New Form of Social Parasitism in Ants

The Mirror turtle ant (Cephalotes specularis) – an insect recently discovered in Brazil by entomologist Dr Scott Powell of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and his Brazilian colleagues – is the first-known species of ant to use visual mimicry to parasitize another ant species, according to a paper published in the October 2014 issue...
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Chickens have gotten ridiculously large since the 1950s

Here are three different breeds of chicken, raised on the exact same diet: The left-hand chicken is a breed from 1957. The middle chicken is a breed from 1978. The right-hand one is a breed from 2005. They were all raised in the same manner for this paper and were photographed at the same age. Vox added the dates to this image. (Zuidhof,...
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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Robot snake learns secrets of sidewinders

With the help of a robot, US researchers have described for the first time precisely how "sidewinder" rattlesnakes climb up sand dunes.By observing snakes on an artificial dune, they found that on steeper slopes the animals flatten themselves to increase their contact with the sand. Physicists analysed the motion of sidewinders as they...
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Captive Orcas Can Learn How to Speak Dolphin, Researchers Say

One of few species capable of learning new vocal soundsCaptive orcas who live with dolphins are capable of imitating their sounds, joining an exclusive list of species that are capable of modifying their voices or learning new vocalizations, according to a new study published this month in Acoustical Society of America. Amanda Fletcher—Flickr...
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Friday, October 10, 2014

How many animals are really going extinct?

A century ago this fall, the world’s last passenger pigeon, a bird named Martha, died at the Cincinnati Zoo. Her death marked the end of an astonishing decline in that bird’s numbers; in America’s first centuries, passenger pigeons were so abundant that stories about them can be almost impossible to believe. Cotton Mather described a flock...
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

10 of the Largest Birds in the World

Coming across a bird with a wingspan that’s taller than a human might scare a few people, but it’s an amazing and wonderful experience. Below are the top 10 biggest birds in the world.  10. Golden Eagle   This eagle’s wingspan can reach around 8.2 feet. They’re known to be powerful and majestic hunters found in the Northern...
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