Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Stone Sheep

The coat of the stone sheep is black or gray with a large, distinct rump patch. Males have large, curved spiral horns. Habitat : Mountain slopes with few trees, rugged terrain, meadows. A male's rank within the herd is determined by the size of his horns. These sheep are very wary and will flee at the hint of danger. ...
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The chuckwalla eats fruit, leaves, buds and flowers. When the chuckwalla senses danger, it scurries between rocks and lodges itself tightly in crevices by inflating itself. male coloration may include black head, forelegs and upper trunk, and reddish-yellow toward the rear or a showy bright red body. Females are usually a much less showy...
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Monday, July 27, 2015

Weeper Capuchin

The weeper capuchin has a coarse brown coat, tufts of hair on its head, and white markings throughout. The mating system for weeper capuchins is polygamous, with several males mating with several females. Females give birth to just one offspring. Diet : Omnivore : fruit, insects, seeds, small vertebrates, buds, shoots, roots...
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Blue Waxbill

The Blue Waxbill is a small, slender powder-blue bird, smaller than a sparrow. The bill is short and conical and pinkish-grey in colour. The crown, back of the head and back are light brown. The rump is light blue and the face and upper breast are light blue. In the male the underparts, save for the belly centre and under-tail coverts...
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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Yellow-billed Hornbill

The yellow-billed hornbill has a yellow bill with red tip and cutting edges. The bare skin on the face and throat is red. The plumage is gray-black on the forehead to nape. It has a black mantle with a white center line. The wings and tail are black and white, and the eyes are a yellowish white. The yellow-billed hornbill can become...
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The Woylie is a small macropod with light brown hair and a black crest on its tail, which is 29–36 cm long. It has strong, clawed front feet which are used for digging for food and nest making. While they forage slowly, Woylies are capable of rapid movement if startled and can spring away at surprising speed. Diet: Woylies are herbivores....
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Fossa Classification and Evolution The Fossa is a medium-sized carnivore that is found exclusively on the island of Madagascar. The Fossa belongs to the Malagasy Carnivores group which are thought to have descended from Mongoose-like ancestors that arrived on Madagascar from Africa up to 24 million years ago. The Fossa is not only one of...
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Boxer Dog

Boxers are a bright, energetic and playful breed and tend to be very good with children. They are active dogs and require adequate exercise to prevent boredom-associated behaviors such as chewing or digging. Boxers have earned a slight reputation of being headstrong, which can be related to inappropriate obedience training. Owing to their...
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Saturday, July 25, 2015


Zorilla, small, carnivorous, nocturnal mammal, Ictonyx striatus, of the weasel family, found in dry regions of Africa. It is also called striped weasel and striped polecat. Although it strongly resembles the North American skunk, a member of the same family, it is more closely related to the true polecat of Eurasia. The zorilla has thick...
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Indian Red Admiral

The Indian red admiral, V. indica, is found in the Canary Islands as well as India and is distinguished by black at the apex, with subapical white spots and a discal red band. Hindwing dark brown, unmarked, except for the black-spotted red margin. Wings have a golden and bronze sheen, especially near the bases. Underside: dark brown with...
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Friday, July 24, 2015

Pleasure of Cat Massage

Want some stress releasing massage. Watch this video and get relaxed from your whole day work!...
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The aardwolf is slightly larger than a jackal or a fox and has long, slender legs and a long neck. Its sloping back is not as pronounced as in the three other hyaena species. The background colour of the body varies from yellowish-white to rufous. The throat and underparts are paler and can reach a greyish-white color. There are three vertical...
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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Dog with it's ball machine

A video showcasing how a simple idea can make your cute little dog very happy. Jerry just can’t get enough of chasing a ball. The problem is he always needs someone to through it for him, or does he? Luckily Jerry has a very smart owner he designed and built an automatic ball machine that fires the tennis balls for Jerry to go and chase. Once he’s retrieved the ball he simply drops it back into the machine and the game...
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 Coolest Animals on Earth

1. Lobster Moth Caterpillar - The caterpillar features spindly forelegs and a swollen abdomen that curves up at the end, resembling a lobster tail. If the Lobster Moth Caterpillar is provoked, it spreads its front legs and arches its head back, possibly spraying formic acid. READ MORE HERE 2. Albino Peacock - The peacock "tail", known...
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7 of The Most Poisonous Fishes in the Sea

You might think that the most dangerous animals on earth are found on land, but you’d be surprise to find some scary, but sometimes beautiful, dangerous creatures lurking in the water. A few fish species are known for their poison, in fact there have been a few cases where people have died because if them. Below are the most poisonous fishes...
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Monday, July 6, 2015

6 of The Slowest Animals On The Planet

Have you been watching too many agile and fast moving predators chasing after dinner in those wildlife shows? Well, here’s a little change of pace. Although most animals would prefer to be able to move fast, especially when it’s time to run or chase after food, not all animals are built to speed. Here are some of the slowest animals in the...
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