The Newfoundland is a breed of dog that are large and have a fairly thick coat. Newfoundland dogs were originally used as working dogs by fishermen in the Dominion of Newfoundland (now a province of Canada).
Today, Newfoundland dogs—‘Newfs’ or ‘Newfies’—are used as rescue dogs or a baby sitters.
Newfoundland dogs are very good at swimming. Unlike most dogs who do the dog paddle, Newfies do a modified breaststroke. They are aided in this by webbed feet and water-resistant coat, allowing the Newfoundland dog to swim freely.
Newfoundland dog's coat color can be black, white, gray and brown. Newfoundland has a 60-70 kg body weight for males and 45-55 kg for females. That’s just the average. As ‘giant’ dogs, they can weigh up to more than 100 kg.
- Temperament
Newfoundland dogs have a calm, even sweet, temper. Newfoundlands are therefore often used as a playmate and guardian of children—remember ‘Nana’ in Peter Pan? With their large body and strong energy, Newfies can keep children well, such as keeping them from running on public roads (of course to be able to do that requires special training).
- Health Issues
Newfoundland dogs have some health problems. Newfoundlands are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia (abnormal fit of the ball and socket in the hip and elbow joint), and cystinuria (bladder stones). Another genetic problem is defective heart valves, aka subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS). Young Newfoundland dogs with SAS can die suddenly. Regular checkup with the vet would ensure early detection of health issues with Newfoundland dogs.
Newfoundland Pictures

Newfoundland Dog Black Color

Newfoundland Dog White and Black Color

Giant Pet Dogs
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