Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is a species of eagle species, the most popular. Bald eagle found in many regions of North America. His name is bald eagle, but the eagle is not really bald, it was just the name alone. Characteristic of bald eagle is the color of the head until his neck is white, you also must have been very popular with the kind of eagle...
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Face Fierce Lion

Lion one of the big cats known as king of the jungle. Her body is muscular, his face is fierce and he as a lion carnivores deserve the nickname as the king of the jungle. Just imagine you are walking in our woods, you see a snake, monkey or a wolf maybe you still have a fatherly kebernaian fight, but if you meet the lion or tiger I am sure...
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Black Cat Wallpaper

Digital Art Cat Wallpaper Black Cat Face WallpaperEyes Cat Wallpa...
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Inside your home environment, would be more lively and fun if you keep pets. Pets are the most in love is cats and dogs. There are many types of cats and dogs that have the shape and character. You can see pets on the site that might be an inspiration to you in choosing a pet in your home. Like a cat is a pet that is generally as toys and...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Panda Animal (パンダ)

Animals are great fun to see. Pandas (パンダ) eat food to eat while sitting even though they eat grass, unlike other mammals. The main food panda is bamboo, so pandas have strong legs and claws that can be used to climb the bamboo tree. The population of pandas in the world especially in china right now is low, so the panda became a protected...
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Giant Panda In China

Panda is an animal that includes the family of bears, pandas hallmark of the beast is the color of his black and white. Pandas come from China or Chinese. Although the panda in the order of carnivorous animals, but pandas almost 99% of its main food is bamboo, although pandas in the wild eat small animals and carrion. And in captive pandas...
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tarantula Mexican Red-Kneed

Mexican Red-KneedTarantula is a sepcies of spiders. Tarantula's body is much larger than the spiders and they have fine hairs seseluruh parts of his body, which makes these animals look beautiful. Tarantula become one of the popular pet for the fans of arachnids. Tarantula also has a poison so you have to be careful with this one animal.Many...
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Arctic Fox

Cute Little Arctic FoxBeauty Arctic ...
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Style Dog Hair Cuts

Miniature SchnauzerMiniature Schnauzer is a breed of dog that has a unique haircut, the long hair around his mouth. Miniature Schnauzer is the only dog that has very long hair around the mouth. The uniqueness of the shape haircut make the Miniature Schnauzer breed has many fans.Read more Miniature Schnauzer Dogs.Cool Miniature Schnauzer Pet...
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List Of Toy Dog Breeds

Breed dogs have a wide range, like on this page are the dog breeds that generally in use for toys, because of the cute and packed. Toy dog's body is not too large so lightweight to carry anywhere you want and their long coats make us always want to spoil. It was 9 dog breeds that generally favored person for the toy.Yorkshire Terrier DogRead...
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Monday, May 9, 2011

6 Near The Wolf Dog Breed

Siberian HuskyRead more..(..)Samoyed DogRead more..(..)Schipperke DogRead more..(..)Alaskan MalamuteRead more..(..) Akita AmericanRead more..(..)Shetland SheepdogRead more..(...
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Shetland Sheepdog Breed Dogs

Shetland Sheepdog with Tri-Colour SheltiesThe Shetland Sheepdog, according to its name this dog is known as the keeper of driving and sheep or dog also called sheep herders. Shetland Sheepdog breed has a close relationship with the wolf dog, because its shape is almost similar, tetepi for Shetland Sheepdog pet dog is more closely associated...
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