Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Adorable Little Animals That I Make From Wool

My name is Tatyana. I live in Russia, in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. Since 2006, I engaged in manufacturing animal wool needle felting technique. My love for animals became the main source of my inspiration. My toys are made of 100% sheep wool, using glass eyes with much thoroughness. This is a rather a difficult job and I spend...
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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Government officially declares Eastern puma extinct

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Federal officials have declared the Eastern puma extinct, 80 years after the last confirmed sighting of a graceful wildcat that once roamed widely from the Upper Midwest to the Atlantic seaboard. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week it was removing the animal from the endangered species list....
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Monday, January 29, 2018

Why we must respect the rights of all sentient animals

The only way to recognize the moral personhood of animals is to accord them a right not to be property—and that means the abolition of animal exploitation. Both of us are advocates for the rights of nonhuman animals. That doesn’t mean we believe that animals should have all of the same rights as humans—it would make no sense to say that...
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Sunday, January 28, 2018

See the World's Newest Marine Park in the Pacific Ocean

For the health of the ocean and all who depend on it, this is big news: In November, Mexico became the latest nation to create a large, fully protected marine reserve. The manta ray, shown here, is one of at least 37 species of sharks and rays that have been documented in the archipelago.  The Revillagigedo Archipelago National Park,...
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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Genetic Testing Might Have Just Explained Why Huskies’ Eyes Can Be Blue

In doing so, it helped show why dogs might be a better target for direct-to-consumer genetic testing than humans. In an era when direct-to-consumer genome sequencing has been marred by ethical concerns,  rightful skepticism, and Nazis’ fixation with using it to trace their ancestry (many have been disappointed by what they found),...
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Friday, January 26, 2018

GIANT Lego animals to bring wild adventure trail to life for Manchester kids

Lego fans will be able to set their sights on giant animals built from thousands of the colourful bricks at a wild adventure trail. An enormous otter, a kingfisher and a flamingo will be among the models forming part of the trail at Martin Mere Wetland Centre.Around half an hour's drive from Manchester, the site, in Burscough, gives...
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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Meet the street animals that stole scientists’ hearts

Cats and dogs that wander on to field sites can become cherished companions — but their presence isn’t always welcome. Archaeologist Louise Hitchcock went to Israel in 2017 to look for artefacts from the Iron Age. She also found something else — a large dog who wormed his way into her heart.The mongrel was skinny and skittish when he appeared...
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gut instinct makes animals appear clever

Animals, including humans, can make surprisingly good decisions just based on the food in their stomach, new research suggests. The study, led by the University of Exeter and published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, shows that surviving in difficult and dangerous conditions does not necessarily require high brain power.Instead,...
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Monday, January 22, 2018

Centipedes Eat Animals 15 Times Their Size Thanks To This Powerful Toxin, Study Finds

A bite from a venomous centipede can cause swelling and excruciating pain. And for a mouse - even one 15 times larger than a centipede - the bite can be deadly. Most predators hunt smaller animals. Blue whales, the largest carnivores on earth, are an extreme example: Each day a whale swallows millions and millions of crustaceans called...
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Hidden cameras offer unique glimpse of animals in the wild

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — How does a bighorn sheep say "cheese?" This 2011 photo from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service motion-activated camera shows an elephant seal in the Channel Islands National Park off the coast of Southern California. Motion-detecting wildlife cameras devices are getting smaller, cheaper and more reliable, and scientists...
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Monday, January 15, 2018

About the Red Panda

Red pandas, like giant pandas, are bamboo eaters native to Asia’s high forests. Despite these similarities and their shared name, the two species are not closely related. Red pandas are much smaller than giant pandas and are the only living member of their taxonomic family. Red pandas are endangered and are legally protected in India,...
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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Why Do Dogs and Cats Eat Grass?

Nobody is really quite sure why our furry friends eat grass. If you're a dog owner like me, you're used to seeing your dog eat just about anything. My Loretta Lou is a chocolate Lab. Once, when she was 2, she ate an entire jar of cranberry pills — extra strength. How she got the top off is still a mystery. I rushed her to the vet, who...
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

People Are Sharing Pics Of Their Cats Acting Weird

Have you ever walked into a room, looked at your cat, and thought ‘this creature must be out of this world’? Yup, cats are major weirdos and their behavior is something the simple mind of a mortal human finds difficult to grasp. Felines sleep in the most awkward positions one can imagine. They make the strangest facial expressions. Sometimes...
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Russian Fisherman Reveals Terrifying Deep Sea Creatures

Murmansk-based Roman Fedortsov has shed light on the strange world of the deep sea through a series of creepy images.Human beings have only explored 0.05 per cent of the deep sea, but in the depths are genuinely alien creatures with saucer-like eyes, human-like teeth and eight legs.Mr Fedortsov works on a trawler and fishes in what has been...
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