Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Watch a rattlesnake plan attack by clearing path for its strike

The snakes checked out the area for signs of prey and then, once they had identified a burrow, forcibly jerked their heads and necks to move surrounding grass (see video, below). The hunters proceeded to wait for their prey in an ambush spot for up to 3 hours. Perhaps the snakes are modifying their habitat to try and increase their hunting...
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Friday, June 23, 2017

World’s smallest deer: Philippine Mouse Deer

This is the smallest hooved mammal – the Philippine mouse deer, locally known as Pilandok, it’s only about 40 centimeters tall, which makes it also the cutest deer in the history of ever. That said, it’s not technically a member of the deer family, but it’s freaking close enough for me....
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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Seagull Falls Into Tikka Masala Curry, Comes Out Looking Orange

A hungry seagull was left bright orange after falling into a vat of waste curry outside a food factory on Monday. The bird was apparently trying to nab a piece of chicken from the container of tikka masala when it ended up falling in.The animal was taken from the site in Wales to Vale Wildlife Hospital near Tewkesbury where vets cleaned...
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kitten Sees Itself In The Mirror For The First Time

The world is a strange place for a newborn kitten - everything is huge and confusing, and you learn new things everyday. This little cutie named Wiske had an absolutely adorable reaction to her first time seeing a mirror, when she clearly couldn’t tell what was going on. YouTube Simon Newport shared the footage of the feline newborn...
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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Island fox of California

The island fox is a small fox that is native to six of the eight Channel Islands off the coast of California California. These include Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel islands. Its diet in the remote areas consists of mice, crickets, beetles, earwigs and fruits from plants such as cactus. Campers are warned not to feed the cute critters.The...
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Friday, June 16, 2017

Tuatara: New Zealand reptiles

It has survived ice ages, volcanic eruptions and the intrusion of humans on its South Pacific island home, but New Zealand's last survivor of the dinosaur age may become extinct due to global warming. Mounted with spiny scales from head to tail and covered by rough, grey skin that disguises them among the trees, the tuatara is one of the...
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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Galapagos Penguin - Endangered Species

Galapagos penguins are the rarest and most endangered penguin species in the world and the only one that can be found at the equator. Unlike most cold water penguins, they have several adaptations that allow them to tolerate the warmer climate of Galapagos, with their ability to pant like a dog being one them.They also have less body fat...
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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amazing footage shows frenzied piranhas devouring a bull's head as it is held in the water

This is the gruesome moment a bull's head was ripped to the bone by a shoal of bloodthirsty piranhas.  The fish tore into the animal's flesh after it was dipped into the murky waters of the Amazon river by a local man standing on a gondola. The daredevil raised the head out of the water to reveal the fish gorging on the meat just...
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Monday, June 12, 2017


Most marsupials live in Australia, constraining their range a bit already. But the quokka is only found in the southwest corner of Australia and a few nearby islands, giving it an even smaller area to live than its cousins. Quokkas are fearless and curious of humans, which can lead to some unfortunate interactions with less-than-kind humans...
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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Helium drinks will bring out the Chipmunk in you!

Still drinking them regular (AKA boring) alcohol drinks? You really should try helium infused beer or wine with your friends and guaranteed it will help you kick the blues away a whole lot faster! Just check these videos out for reference! Don't forget to tag your besties who'd love to enjoy this with you...
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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

9 animals with extremely long migrations

Animals migrate for a lot of different reasons. Some travel long distances on a seasonal basis for food, finding their meal of choice hundreds and thousands of miles away. Others make their journeys to find mates while still others do it to avoid unfavorable weather, staying just ahead of the winter line as it creeps down from the poles...
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Monday, June 5, 2017

7 Animals Found Only in the Middle East

The Middle East is home to many animals that you cannot find anywhere else in the world, that have evolved and adapted to the unique environment of the region. Some of the species are so rare they are actually endangered. Here’s a look at 7 mammals prevalent only to the region: 1. Arabian Mau: These frisky felines are descendants from...
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Thursday, June 1, 2017

5 Animals That Have Gone Wild in Australia

Australian scientists are looking to use a fish virus to control the exploding population of European carp that is damaging freshwater ecosystems in the country’s agricultural heartland. Biocontrol agents have been previously successful in controlling rabbit plagues. Scientists and lawmakers hope the koi herpes virus CyHV3 can do a similar...
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