Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Saturday, April 29, 2017

7 Animals That Smell Like Jelly Beans

So is this the zoo or a candy factory? Your nose can’t tell the difference. These seven animals are olfactory dead ringers for Jelly Belly flavors.1. BINTURONG (ARCTICTIS BINTURONG) // BUTTERED POPCORN The back end of the binturong, or bearcat, is legendary. Not for its size, shape, or productivity, but because it smells remarkably like...
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Friday, April 28, 2017

American Black Bear

The American Black Bear, like most bears, lack the distinctive shoulder hump that the Grizzly Bear has. This bear can run up to 25 miles per hour, which is very quick for its 220-594 pound body. Their feet relate to humans, because they touch the ground in a "heel, toe, heel, toe, etc." pattern. They have rounded ears, a short stubby tail,...
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Thursday, April 27, 2017

5 animals that are better parents than humans

Humans have protected animals, killed them, caged them, freed them, loved them and hated them...and now parents can learn a thing or two from them. Here are five ways animals are better parents than some humans:1. Barn Owls Humans can learn faithfulness from barn owls because these owls mate for life. If one dies their mate often dies...
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Thursday, April 20, 2017

10 Animals with Incredibly Long Lives

As medicine, society and science advance, our life expectancy continues to rise. More people are living to be over 100 years of age than ever before, diseases that were previously fatal are now nothing more than a nuisance, and with the advent of new technology, many people are hoping that they will be able to use technology to increase...
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Top 10 Hybrid Animals

To get a hybrid animal, two animals from different species, but from the same genus, must be crossed. The resulting animal will be a hybrid. This does not happen very often in nature, and most hybrid animals are sterile, but imagine the possibilities.10. Blood parrot cichlid The blood parrot cichlid is a cichlid hybrid. It was created...
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

5 Animals With An Extraordinary Sense Of Smell

Albatross Find Schools of FishThe albatross can smell fish from the air. Researchers have found that an albatross will alter its course toward prey located well out of visual range. The birds can monitor a miles-wide swath of ocean as they fly in a single direction. Eastern American Mole Smell In StereoScientists recently discovered...
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Monday, April 17, 2017

5 Animals that Might Show Up in Your Toilet

The critters on this list might convince you to keep the toilet seat down and your bathroom door closed—and, most of all, to look before you sit. 1. SNAKES Last night, San Diego's Department of Animal Services removed a 5.5-foot-long Columbia rainbow boa (above) from a toilet in an office building. Stephanie Lacsa, co-founder of Vertical...
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Sunday, April 16, 2017

10 Incredibly Adaptive Sahara Desert Animals

When you think of a desert, do you imagine a lifeless wasteland where nothing can survive? While many people think of deserts as lifeless locations, they are actually quite diverse and rich in life.In fact, it could be said that there is no finer example of the richness of evolution than a desert ecology. Why? The harsh conditions imposed...
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