Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Uguisu Classification and EvolutionThe Uguisu is a small species of bird that is natively found throughout Japan, China and Taiwan, along with a number of other regions of the far east. The Uguisu is also commonly known as the Japanese Bush-Warbler, as it is named for it's beautifully distinctive song. The Uguisu is most closely related...
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Greenlings have broad spiny pectoral, dorsal and anal fins. They are scavengers but they also eat small fishes and bottom dwelling animals such as crabs. ...
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Green Swordtail

Green swordtail's name is derived from the elongated tailfin. ...
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Gopher Rockfish

Gopher rockfish have a mottled appearance, with dark areas olive to reddish brown, and the lighter area white or pinkish. ...
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4 of the Best Starter Pets for Kids

Any kid would want a pet. Giving them a pet helps them learn about responsibility and respecting life. Most parents are scared to hand an animal to their child because they fear that the child might end up hurting the creature or even themselves. However, with proper education and guidance, you kids can start taking care of a pet.Fish Fishes...
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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Woolly Monkey

The woolly monkey is a medium to large sized primate, that inhabits the tropical forests of north-west South America. The woolly monkey is most well known for it's round-shaped head and dense fur that covers the body of the woolly monkey. Woolly monkeys are found throughout Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and parts of Venezuela where they...
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West Indian Ocean coelacanth

West Indian Ocean coelacanth are rare order of vertebrates closely related to lungfish, reptiles, and mammals. ...
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Many species of Goatfish are colored and their bodies are deep and elongated. ...
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Asiatic Glassfishes

Asiatic glassfishes are known for their semi transparent bodies. ...
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Friday, November 28, 2014

Yellow-Eyed Penguin

The yellow-eyed penguin is one of the few penguin species found north of the Antarctic Ocean, and as it's name suggests, this species of penguin is easily idenitfied by it's yellow coloured eyes and bright yellow band that runs from it's eyes round the back of the yellow-eyed penguin's head. The yellow-eyed penguin is found off the coast...
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