Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Friday, September 26, 2014

5 Small Animals Home Owners can Keep

Keeping a pet while living in a small space can be a big problem. You can have a pet that needs to stretch out its legs or run around since space is limited, but you can make do with smaller animals which are easy to take care of and won’t really mind the small space of your home.Below are 5 small animals that you can keep as pets. Guinea...
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

5 Bizarre and Amazing Hybrid Animals

People have always been curious about cross breeding and what could happen if your mix one animal with another that’s similar to it. When certain breed of animals are cross bred with another, the results can be quit surprising. Here are 5 Hybrid Animals that are both bizarre and amazing. Zebroid Also called a zebrule, zebra mule or zedonk,...
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Tucuxi Dolphin

The tucuxi dolphins is a freshwater dolphins found in the rivers of amazon basin. This dolphins have a light colored to bluish grey on its back and its side. ...
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Northern Right Whale Dolphin

Northern Right Whale Dolphin has a small, curved, narrow and pointed flippers, the body is mostly black while its underside is partly lighter in color. This dolphins usually travels in group of 5 - 200 and as they travel they like making low leaps together reaching as far as 7meters in one leap. This dolphins usually avoid boats ...
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Common Bottlenose Dolphin

Common Bottlenose Dolphin is grey in color. The Bottlenose Dolphin has more flexible neck than any other dolphins due to five of their seven vertebrae not being fused together as is seen in other dolphin species. ...
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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Long-Beaked Common Dolphin

Long Beaked Dolphin has a dark back color and white on its belly. This dolphins live in shallow, warmer temperature waters near the coast. They also live in the tropical and subtropical regions. ...
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Oxynotus or commonly called caribbean roughsharks lives in deepwaters in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ...
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Dromioidea is a superfamily of crabs found in madagascar. ...
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

lubber grasshopper

A lubber grasshopper is known for its unique color and also for its size that will reach nearly almost 3inches ...
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Bunyoro rabbit

Bunyoro rabbit has a greyish brown color body and its tail is yellowish above and white beneath it. ...
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European rabbit

European rabbit is a smallish grey brown rabbit known for digging network of burrows. ...
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