Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Thursday, July 31, 2014

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dozens of baby turtles hatch and head home

Key West, FL - You likely have seen the bumper stickers "sea turtles dig the dark". You can truth in action thanks to the Florida Keys Turtle Cam that captured quite a site Friday night, using infrared lighting and a live-streaming, high-definition "turtle webcam". The feed recorded the hatch of about 100 baby loggerhead sea turtles...
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Abandoned Mall Turns to Koi Pond

Koiponds add a beautiful detail to any outdoor space. Some people invest a lot of money to have a giant koi pond build for their garden, but in the busy city of Bangkok, you can find a not so average pond that’s drawing a lot of attention to tourist and even locals. About a two decade or so ago, the New World mall was built and is said...
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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Meet Peanut - the World's Ugliest Dog 2014

California - 29 ugly-on the-outside-adorable-on-the-inside homely dogs simply show their looks for the World's Ugliest Dog 2014 competition.  This year's winner is a shelter-rescued mutt from Greenville, N.C...Peanut! Source here...
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Asians eating pangolins to extinction

The scaly anteater, which looks like an artichoke with legs and a tail, is being eaten out of existence as its tasty meat is served up at banquets across Asia, conservationists said on Tuesday.The pangolin, resembling a pine cone on legs, is the world’s only scaly mammal. It uses the scales as armour and uses its long, sticky tongue to catch...
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

On Sunday, July 13, the 2014 Unleashed by Petco Surf Dog competition took place at San Diego, Calif.'s Imperial Beach. With events held for large, medium, and small dogs, as well as a tandem event, there was more than enough action for spectators and four-legged-participants alike. In its ninth year, the event raises money for the...
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Monday, July 28, 2014

Cute Child with Animal Photos

All photos shown below are captured by a passionate photographer and a mother - Elena Shumilove. Subjects include her two sons and how their innocence are connected into the magical world with cute animals. "Followed" - May 2013 Kindergarten ...
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Three spiders proven to be not so toxic as what internet circulations claimed

Many information about toxic spiders have gone viral on the internet, published to be so fatal that could cause necrosis. The good thing is, this is written to warn people and to guarantee safety in case real venomous spiders are encountered. The bad thing is, some people who really did encounter these spiders and had been bitten, were...
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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Reef Stonefish – Poison that Kills

Swimming around rocks and corals is probably one of the most amazing things to do when you’re out in the water. It’s like taking a walk in an underwater garden since you get to enjoy the wonderful colors of the reef and aquatic life that swims by. However, you should always be cautious when swimming in these areas. Some of the most poisonous...
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Friday, July 25, 2014

Pesticides - bee and bird killer!

A new study led by researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands, has suggested that areas with high concentrations of crop pesticides or neonicotinoids have killed bee colonies and birds. A study from 2003 to 2010 has observed that areas with great concentration of the said pesticides have reduced the number of barn swallows, tree...
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The summer night fairies - the fireflies

Fireflies are actually beetles, not flies as its name imply. They are nocturnal beetles which are under the family Lampyridae. Fireflies make up to more or less 2,000 number of species. In some countries, the number of their presence in the evenings are signs of approaching or ending summers, where they are most abundant in warm summer...
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Shell Fascination – the Golden Cowrie

The golden cowrie (Cypraea aurantium) has fascinated people because of its shiny, attractive shells way back hundreds of years ago and has been part of trades in different countries. It has been noted as a high-rank symbol worn by Fiji rulers and were used as a currency throughout the South Pacific years ago. Until now, the shell is...
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Killer Whale-looking Dolphin

The Southern Right Whale Dolphin (Lissodelphis peronii ) was described by Lacépède in 1804 as Delphinus peronii, possibly based on a specimen collected south of Tasmania. It has been postulated that the closely related northern species Lissodelphis borealis may belong to the same species as the Southern Right Whale Dolphin (L. peronii),...
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Iconic Grunion: Annual Spawning

Gretchen Parker in Cabrillo Beach, Californiafor National GeographicPUBLISHED JULY 6, 2014Just after nightfall in southern California, on sandy stretches of Pacific shoreline, a piece of marine folklore is coming to life.It's that time of year again. The grunion are running.Grunion (Leuresthes tennis) are skinny, silvery little fish only...
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Get to know the Irrawaddy Dolphin before it becomes extinct

The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostis) is distributed in small populations through Southeast Asia. It is now placed under Vulnerable category because of its reportedly small numbers. Compared to other dolphins, the Irrawaddy is distinctive through its round face, short beak, and a bulging forehead that makes it look more similar...
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Friday, July 18, 2014

Save the World. Eat Bugs!

Business Insider -  Will WeiThe world's population is projected to grow from 7.2 billion to 9.6 billion people by 2050.  So, what needs to be done to feed an extra two billion mouths?We need to eat more bugs. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations makes a compelling case that insects are key to our future food...
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Do Monkeys Believe in Luck?

Luck is probably one of the most universal beliefs that we humans have. People all over the world believe in luck and they even have items and rituals that they believe bring more of it to their lives. Even in the most random situations, people have a tendency to see a losing or a winning streak. Good or bad luck can govern our behaviors,...
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creepy New Wasp Specie Discovered

Insects have been programmed to make their homes from mud or soil. They’d line their nest with plant debris and resin to keep themselves and their larva protected. However, a new species of wasps take the idea of a “haunted house” to a new level. They actually use ant corpses to line their nest. The new specie, called Deuteragenia ossarium...
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