Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Monday, June 30, 2014

Spiders Cover Roadside with Web

Spiders have always creep people out with their long legs and fangs. But imagine driving down a common looking road only to find millions of spiders taking over the area. A whole army of spiders looking for shelter away from the floods in Hikurangi, New Zealand, flied to a portion of the Jordan Valley Road. The area turned white as...
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Parent Presence Affects Birds Choices in Mates

Same-sex mates is not only a human thing, some animals are also known to have same-sex partners, especially amongst those who stick to one mates.A new research showed that male Zebra Finches that were raised by their father alone were more prone to have chosen a male partner. Zebra Finches actually stay together with a lifelong partner and...
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A Beautiful Web of Poison Extends A New Strand

I just got back yesterday from the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution. It took place in a big hotel on the outskirts of Norman, Oklahoma, during a windy heat wave that felt like the Hair Dryer of the Gods. It had been a few years since I had last been to an SSE meeting, and I was struck by how genomic everything has...
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dogs become Friendlier with more Oxytocin

Dogs have always been known to be really loving and social animals. In the wild, they live in packs and domestic dogs have carried on this trait. We notice them getting along with other dogs and animals, especially if they are not the only pet living in the house. They also approach other dogs that they meet in the street or at the park...
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Friday, June 27, 2014

Strange Underwater Blob from Oil RigExplained

Like all strange deep sea creatures that are given light, this strange animal was seen in a video taken at an oil rig somewhere in the Mexican gulf. We’ve only explored about 5% of the world’s oceans, so strange creatures are always being spotted by underwater cameras, especially when they go down to very deep depths. However, the creature...
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Giant Shark gets eaten by a Bigger Giant Shark

Researchers in Australia are now looking for a “mysterious giant sea monster” that ate a 9 foot long great white shark. They had previously planted a tracking device on the 9 foot great white to monitor its behavior, vital statistics and swimming patters. However, a few weeks ago, the 9 foot shark’s tracking device ended up on shore. The...
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The High-Flying Ant With a Bite Like a Bear Trap

There’s an invasive species conquering new territory in the southeastern United States. It has gnarly jaws, a formidable sting, and the ability to launch itself into the air like a bottle rocket. These insects are known as trap-jaw ants, and they could be heading to a backyard near you.Most trap-jaw ants belong to the genus Odontomachus,...
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Wolves Might Use Their Eyes to Talk to Each Other

It’s no secret that wolves, foxes, and dogs are highly social animals. But beyond all the wagging, pawing and yipping we like to try to interpret, canids may have yet another way to communicate. New research hints at the possibility that dogs and their ilk could be sending each other signals with their eyes. A team of Japanese researchers...
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Tiny frogs host an illusion on their backs

Would you recognize a stop sign if it was a different shape, though still red and white? Probably, though there might be a bit of a delay. After all, your brain has long been trained to expect a red-and-white octagon to mean “stop.”The animal and plant world also uses colorful signals. And it would make sense if a species always used the...
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Foxes with Giant Ears

When we think of something small with bat-like ears, a fox would probably be the last thing that comes to our mind. Fennec foxes, which are the smallest kind of foxes in the world, might have ears like bats but they look far from the night-dwelling creature. In fact, many people love these foxes because they look adorable.They’re commonly...
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Giant Spider Trapped in Car’s Headlights

Spiders are probably the most feared insects around. Recently, a photo of a giant spider went viral when a Reddit user posted a scary photo of a giant spider trapped inside his car’s headlights. The horrified Reddituser jokingly commented that he was going to set fire to his car but other scared him by saying that it could have been an exoskeleton...
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Monday, June 23, 2014

Dual Gendered Animals – Stage but Beautiful

Every now and then nature loses its way and strange things begin to happen to how organisms naturally develop. Take for example the phenomenon bilateral gynandromorphs. This basically turns the specimen half female and half male. This condition seldom happens, but it’s not unique to a certain species. This happens amongst crustaceans, insects...
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Clownfish’s Strange Ability to Transform

Since Disney released their hit movie “Finding Nemo”, almost every kid in the TV-watching world knows that a Clownfish is. Anemone Clownfish (Amphiprionocellaris), also called common clownfish are the stripy orange fishes that we commonly see living in coral reefs found in the tropical waters surrounding Australia and Asia.What makes these...
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Asian Unicorn Spotted

Like a ghost that wanders through the thick forests of Vietnam and Laos, the Saola, which looks like a mixture between an antelope and an ox, has baffled researchers and zoologist for years. This creature has kept itself hidden for so long that the last footage of it was taken more than a decade ago.Dubbed as the “Asian unicorn”, the Saola...
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Spikey Egg-Laying Mammals

All the different kinds on mammals share a lot of common traits. They’re warm blooded, have 7 cervical vertebrae, breathe air, have hair and give milk to their young to feed on. Almost all mammals, when giving birth, produce a live young. However, there are certain species that step out of this trait.Monotreme, which is the order where Echidnas...
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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Flying Mobula Rays caught on Tape

Sometimes, there are rare events that happen in the wild which get caught on tape. A school of Mobula rays were seen near the coast of the North Mexican Baja area. These rays are commonly seen in this area but what makes this school unusual is the number individual rays in it. There were thousands of these rays that gathered into a giant...
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Giant Cat Takes Out Giant Lizard

Wild animals would do anything to survive, even take down another animal that’s usually bigger than they are to eat and even going into elements that they’re not really known to like. Cat owners would agree that felines are just not big fans of water. However, the jaguars found in Brazil’s Pantanal Wetlands are actually quite fond of taking...
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fishes with Human Teeth

The sea is known to have a few strange and crazy looking animals living in the deep. It’s not really a big shock to find strange and unknown animals from the ocean since we’ve only explored a fraction of it. But it’s not only the ocean that has these strange species. We can also find peculiar ones in rivers and lakes.The Pacu fish is a common...
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Researchers discover new species of wolf snake in Cambodia, name it after an Australian zoo

A new species of wolf snake has been discovered in the forests of the Cardamom Mountains of southeast Cambodia. The species is described in the current issue of the journal Zootaxa. Lycodon zoosvictoriae is named after Zoos Victoria, a conservation group based in Parkville, Australia that has provided support to Fauna & Flora International...
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Monday, June 16, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wasp Has Its Own Zinc-Tipped Drill Bit

A parasitic fig wasp comes naturally equipped with a zinc-tipped "drill bit," according to new research.The useful tool-like system, complete with teeth for boring, is used to drill holes in hard, unripe fruit, according to the paper, which is published in the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology. Namrata Gundiah from the...
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