Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Saturday, February 16, 2013

It’s a Dog Life - Common Jobs for Dogs

Have you ever thought of signing your dog up to volunteer for a job? Dogs are not only great pets, they also help us make work a bit easier. Letting them volunteer is a great way for them to get enough exercise and avoid developing degenerative myelopathy. Many organizations and industries need dogs to when completing tasks and workloads. ...
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Wooly Bear Caterpillar

Have you seen those large spiny and hairy caterpillars abundantly crawling on sidewalks, pathways, bicycle paths and roadways during summer? These are Wooly bear caterpillars, simply called the Wooly Bears. They belong to a large group of moths called tiger moths and usually begin existence during spring as a plant-eating caterpillar. The...
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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Silky Anteater

Among the living anteaters that are existent today, the Silky Anteater is the smallest one there is of its kind.  Also known as pygmy anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), the Silky anteater is a species of anteater found in South America as well as in Central America. The Silky Anteater is different from the species where it belongs because...
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Tasmanian tiger

Among Tasmanian’s native animals, it seems to be that the least understood is theThylacine (ThylacinusCynosephalus). Also known as the Tasmanian tiger because of its striped back, it is native to Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.  It has been believed that Tasmanian tigers had been already extinct in the 20th century.Due to its queer...
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Names of Some Endangered Birds in America

It is a fact that the United States used to be the home and habitat of such a bounty and overflow of avian populace with colorful and eye-catching birds that travel its wonderful skies.  Due to many years of hunting, human encroachment and more land development plus numerous migration of people, the birds in the United States have slowly...
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Monday, February 11, 2013

Lipizzan Horses

As a horse breed, the Lipizzan Horse (also known as the Lipizzaner) has long been linked with the Spanish Riding School of Vienna in Austria, one of the world’s longest forerunners of “high school” movements and haute ecole when talking about horse movements, actions, mannerisms and activities. The 1963 Walt Disney released feature entitled...
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dogs and Birds – Can They get Along?

The problem with having a family that loves to take care of pets is that you might have one or more type of pets in your home. A common combination would be dogs and cats, but in some households, they keep both dogs and birds under the same roof. Is it safe to have birds and dogs in the house at the same time? Well if you train them properly...
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The Hairy Yeti Crab

Discovered early 2005 somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, this unique, quite large- sized decapod grows to a maximum of 15 centimeter long and is distinguished from the rest of the crabs because of its prominent silky blond hair which largely resembles to fur all covering its legs including the claws. Formerly known as the Kiwa Hirsuta, this...
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Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Dumbo Octopus

Have you ever seen an octopus with two ears? Although not functioning as the hearing sense, the Dumbo Octopus has ear-like fins virtually protruding from the top of their head-like bodies. Obviously, the extra-large and queer looking ears of the Disney elephant character, Dumbo have been likened to this unique octopus that poses the exact...
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Pygmy Marmoset

As one of the world’s smallest primates, the Pygmy Marmoset is known to weigh somewhere between 120 to 140 grams, measuring between 5.5 to 6.3 inches in length. Found in the rainforests of South America, mostly in river edge forest areas, Pygmy Marmosets are known to be found in the southeastern portions of Colombia, eastern areas of Ecuador,...
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Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Blobfish

One look at the rarely seen Blobfish would readily explain why the deep sea fish species is named as such, with the fish species bearing a blob-like form that makes it look like a creature from out of this world. Found in the deep waters surrounding Tasmania and Australia, the Blobfish is one of the world’s deep sea fishes, currently at...
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Alpaca

Though they do bear certain similarities with llamas, Alpacas are different in these sense that they are significantly smaller in shape and size, with Alpacas not kept as “beasts of burden”. Typically found in domesticated enclosures and habitats in South America, Alpacas are more favored for their “fiber source” purposes, with Alpaca fibers...
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Aye-aye

Known for being the world’s largest nocturnal primate, the Aye-aye is one of the more interesting of lemurs found in Madagascar, with its way of finding food being most its most notable trait. As a lemur, the Aye-aye’s features mirror the base physical characteristics which have defined lemurs as a whole, but it is unique with a thin middle...
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