Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wolves as Pets

Wolves, distant cousins of dogs, played a pivotal role in the 1990 film Dances With Wolves. Delving into the story of a lieutenant who was posted in a remote Civil War outpost, the movie starring and directed by Kevin Costner told the tale of how a lone soldier made friends with the local Native Americans settling within the area, along...
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Bruschi bags an eye-popping record

It may not have come as a big surprise for dog owner Victoria Reed, but Bruschi sure looked surprised when he heard about being awarded a world record. The fact is, Bruschi had always looked surprised most of the time, but just recently, his being awarded for having the world’s largest canine eyes made him all the more wide-eyed thrilled. Measuring...
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

St. Bernard

Unlike Bambi, Beethoven didn’t exactly become a household name for St. Bernards, but the 1992 Beethoven starring Charles Grodin and Bonnie Hunt drew attention to the St. Bernard dog breed. As shown in the film, St. Bernards are big dogs, once kept for their “working dog” capabilities given their size, stamina and overall bulk. Originally,...
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Maru turns 5

As an internet celebrity, Maru is famous for his penchant for boxes, rising to fame because of his cute kitty antics and persistence in snuggling into any kind of box, regardless if a box in question is not big enough to accommodate his bulk. A Scottish fold breed based in Japan, the cat who made a name for himself by being “the cat who...
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The 1990 thriller Arachnophobia didn’t exactly have Tarantulas in its plot, but the movie did well in raising questions over the feasibility and practicality of keeping tarantulas as pets. Directed by Frank Marshall, Arachnophobia’s main “actor” was a Venezuelan spider, a new species which spawned a new breed of spiders with highly lethal...
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The 1942 Disney animated Bambi has done well in equating the Bambi namesake with deer, a classic example of how a proper noun, after being used as a household name in different homes based in different parts of the world, transforms into an accepted common noun proxy. Originally based on a novel written by Felix Salten, the movie has done...
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