Fun Animals Wiki,Videos,Picture,Stories

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Great Dane Pet Dogs

Great Dane DogOne tall dog, the dog who has a friendly Temperament. as seen Great Dane has a characteristic that is easy to see, that is tall with long legs and a short fur coat.Read More Great Dane Dog here..Great Dane Fawn ColorsGreat Dane Hound Pictu...
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Great Dane Big Dog

Great Dane DogGreat Dane was first bred in Germany around 400 years ago to hunt wild pigs. With her long legs and a strong force is not kesilitan dog to chase a wild pig.Appearance of a Great DaneGreat Dane is a descendant of dogs that are very large and tall with long legs. Height Great Dane to reach 81 cm. As shown on the page here, if...
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cute Cat Hat

Cute Cats Pig Hat ShapeCute Cats Frog Hat ShapeCute Cats Yellow Duck Hat ShapeCute Cats Witch Hat ShapeCute Santa Claus CatsMore Funny Cats on (here .....
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Cute Animal Wallpaper

Cute Baby Cheetahanimal WallpaperCute Funny Catsanimal wallpaperAnimal Wallpap...
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Golden Retriever Breed

The Golden Retriever Golden Retriever is a dog breed originally used as hunting dogs and the game makers who had been shot. Golden Retriever dogs were bred as intuitively enjoys the water. When taking a game, they do not bite the rude. The result of prey taken by the Golden Retriever is still intact and undamaged. Wit and cleverness that...
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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Funny Cat Drunk

Cat Drunk While Watching TvCat Drunk On the StreetDrunken Cat Pict...
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Egyptian Mau Cats

Egyptian MauEgyptian Mau is one type of short-haired domestic cat that has black spots like a wild cat. The spots on the Egyptian Mau are not just coat tetpi also to the skin if you shave. Egyptian Mau cats merupkan ancient lineage as evidenced by the artwork of more than 3000 years. Unlike other big cats such as the Ocicat or Bengal cats,...
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Koala Wallpaper

Koala WallpaperKoala fotoCute Koala WallpaperAustralia Animal Wallpaperread more Ko...
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dalmatian Dog Wallpaper

Dalmantion Cat and Dalmatian Doganimal cool wallpaperDalmatian Puppy WallpaperDalmatian Dogs WallpaperDalmatian Dog ColorRead Dalmatian dog h...
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Dalmatian Dog

DalmatianDalmatian is a breed of dog known from the white base color with black spots dibadannya. Brown color variations are also occasionally found, although much less frequently. Dalmatian name comes from the Croatian province of Dalmatia from the state, which is estimated as the origin of this type. The Dalmatian is better known as "Firehouse...
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Funny Cats Foto

Fire CatsWallpaper Cool CatCat Miroringfunny cat pictureCal AlienCat Transform Become BeeExplore more funny cat picture on h...
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Band Funny Cats

vocalist/Lead VokalRhythm GuitarGuitar MelodyFunny pictures of cats, this cat picture that looks like the band. Explore more fanny cats on this si...
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