Tuesday, October 14, 2014

5 Adorable Animals that can Actually Hurt You

Seeing animals in their natural habitat is an exciting experience for us humans. We think that they’re so adorable and peaceful as they go on their ways in the wild. However, no matter how adorable and cute these animals look, they may pose a threat to you.

Here are 5 adorable animals that can actually do a lot of damage on you if it does ever attack.


Don’t let their cartoon-like grin fool you. Moose are actually one of the most aggressive animals in the planet. They have giant antlers and hooves that are strong enough to bash a car like a baseball bat. They’re also massive, standing at around 5 to 6 feet tall. These huge mammals can also reach a weight of 800 pounds, so you can just imagine scary it is if one would ever charge at you.

Slow Loris

Slow Loris
They might look like a toy, but these animals are actually the only venomous primate. They’re commonly found in areas surrounding Indonesia, they’re often captured by humans because of alleged medical reasons. The toxin they carry is mixed with saliva and it bites when provoked.  The bite causes anaphylactic shock which can cause death.

Big Cats
Big Cats
All big cats, from lions to leopards, are extremely dangerous. For one, they’re big. They might act like kittens but their huge paws, long sharp claws, strong jaws and razor sharp teeth can rip you to shreds easily. They’re natural predators, which means that a lot of things can cause them to attack, so don’t even consider keeping these as pets.

They do keep a low profile, but these flightless birds can be really aggressive and territorial. The Guinness Book of World Records acknowledged the cassowary as the most dangerous bird on the planet. They are capable of running very fast and leaping in very high, it attacks by thrusting its 5 inch long claws on their pray. They can even break bones with their strength.

Poison Dart Frogs

Poison Dart Frogs
Colorful, but deadly, these frogs got their name from Native American Indian tribes that use to make poisonous darts for hunting. There are hundreds of different types of dart frogs, but the most poisonous of them all are the golden poison dart frog. They have the alkaloid toxin covering their skin which can actually kill small mammals and even humans.

It’s important to remember that wild animals don’t really attack you unless you provoke them. So always keep your distance and just observe them.

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