Tuesday, August 19, 2014

6 Newly Discovered Frogs

Even when extinction threatens a number of animal species, researchers still discover a few new species with a couple strange features. Below are a few new discovered frogs that you might not heard of yet. Some of these amphibians have features that are so strange it makes them look like they were torn of a horror movie script.

Pinocchio Frog
Pinocchio Frog
This little jumper was recently discovered in New Guinea’s Foja Mountains. It’s related to the common tree frog, but what makes it so special is its impressive facial appendage. When they make their croaking sounds, the male frog has a protuberance on the nose which points upward. This resembles the Disney character Pinocchio and how his nose goes when he tells a lie, hence the name.

Pea-Sized Frog

Pea-Sized Frog
Microhylanepenthicola, which is described to be a “pea-sized" frog, is the smallest frog recorded which lives in Africa, Asia and Europe. They first discovered it inside a pitcher plant in Borneo. Scientist first thought that they were just average young frogs. However they noticed that the biggest amongst the adult specimen didn’t even reach a length of half an inch.

Flying Frog
Flying Frog
 There has been a number of flying wingless animals that were discovered over the years. We’ve heard of the flying squirrel, lizard and even snakes. The flying frog is one of the 350 new species discovered in the Himalayas. Like all wingless flying animals, the flying frog has a way of gliding through the air, jumping from one treetop to another using its webbed feet.

Crystal Frog
Crystal Frog

After scientists were finally able to go back to the borders of Peru and Ecuador back in 2009, they found a number of new species, including the crystal frog. It’s not shinny like a real crystal, but its skin is translucent enough that you can actually see its internal organs operate.

Gastric Brooding Frog

Gastric Brooding Frog
This frog has a strange way of taking care of their young. When the eggs become fertile, the female frog swallows them and even alters the natural chemistry that happens in their stomach so the tadpoles can grow and develop inside them. They basically give birth using their mouth. Their strange ability can actually help the medical field for stomach ulcer res

Vampire Bird-Eating Frog
Vampire Bird-Eating Frog

Called the Khorat big-mouthed frog, this was found in MekongThailand. It catches and eats small birds using fangs that come out from its jawbone. This vampire frog also feeds on insects and other frogs. This “opportunistic eater” lies waiting from its prey and jumps on them.

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